Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dressing Up the Guest Bath

There's nothing like the impending visit of house guests to light a fire under your behind when it comes to those unfinished home projects! All those things I've been putting off or meaning to get to have been flashing before my eyes as I realized that some of the extended family visiting this weekend (on the husband's side) have never seen our home or not for a long time. But I've been tackling lots of last minute tasks so they'll never know that their nephew/cousin/etc. married a giant procrastinator :)

Fortunately no one will be staying overnight so it's just a one-day event. The guest bath could use some sprucing. We did a bathroom renovation the winter before last so luckily it didn't need too much love, just a few extra touches. I had a space on the wall that I just couldn't decide what to do with and so it had been left unfinished for a long time. When I was making the burlap monogram, I knew that it might be just the thing to personalize the guest bath a little.

So here are a few before pictures of the guest bath. It's not in bad shape, just a little bare.

And here is the updated room with a few new additions...

This is the space above the toilet. It's sort of a funny angle but the only way I could show it without huge glare from the glass of the frame. 

At least now my guests won't notice the big empty space that used to be above the toilet. I'd like to do shelves or something useful for storage but that will have to wait for another day.

Thanks for stopping by! Come back tomorrow to learn why you shouldn't plan a spray paint project for the day that the gardeners come :)

Thrifty Decor Chick

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